Friday, July 20, 2012

How Sweet It Is

For almost two years now I have shared not only my dirty laundry (plus quite a few other people's) with all of you, but I have also shared my love of my family, my belief in my God and my hope for my future.  I know that you have laughed with me and I also feel you have cried with me.  Sometimes you may have done both at the same time.  There are people in this world who live there entire lives never having as much love, laughter and good friends as I have found in you, my readers.  My blog is read now by people I don't know and who will never have dinner with me or call me on the phone; but they know me so well that its almost embarrassing.  No, that's not quite true.  I am proud that I have told them my heart and I have told them my story. Over 300 times a month, someone reads the story of my life; and almost every week, someone new finds me and joins me on my journey.  I write now to say that for a little while I won't be writing.  Not because I have nothing to say, you know that's not right. In fact, I too much to say and I think that means I should be quiet for a while.  So,  I am considering this as a sabbatical from telling you what's happening in my life.  I feel sure I will be back and I hope that when I am you will read my little stories and remember how much fun I had writing them for you.  Thank you so much for letting me share my life with you.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Date Four - By Accident

This past week has been a bummer.  I can't say it any plainer.  You reach a certain point where you don't think you can continue to put one foot in front of the other.  And then you pray, again, but this time you are serious.  God, please don't leave me here in the place.  And I don't mean just Jasper. So he doesn't.  Instead he makes you pick up the phone and call a friend.  Someone you don't know too well, but think you would like to know. And, she's the answer to your prayer.  Someone who will listen without judgement.  I spent the day with my new friend and had a great time.  We hung out at the pool where I met new people who live in my neighborhood. People with their own teeth and no walkers.  Including a new attorney in the neighborhood.  My friend and I planned to do dinner later and watch the fireworks. Both of us finding new ways to look at our somewhat of a plight, living in this pretty but small town of Jasper.  I went home to shower and head over to her house to cook and ride her kaboto thing to the fireworks.  I noticed a message  on my phone and another friend had called to invite us to their tent for dinner and drinks. Getting better and better. While talking she said that she'd heard there was a new single attorney in our neighborhood. I said "Yes, I met him".  You can't do anything in this neighborhood without it making the rounds.  Well, to make a long story short, "Guess who got a good night kiss from the attorney?" My new friend says I must buy new lingerie at Victoria's Secret and practice my flirting skills .  Both of which she says quite frankly are worn out.  I on the other hand am off to the races! 

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Date Three- Wasn't

Instead of enjoying the wonderful, lustful throngs of date three, I stayed home and watched old movies.  My dating life, my life in general, seems in desperate need of a Re-do.  I keep thinking of Hillary and her Reset Button and wondering where mine is on the VCR/DVD player. Sundays do not lend themselves to Re-dos; so movies are it on a Sunday in Jasper.  I feel that if I could simply hit a button and change everything I would but instead I sit here for hours and watch these funny old movies that I haven't pulled out in months.  First I watched Baby Boom.  I had forgotten the scene where the heroine talks about being lonely and not having had sex in years while living in a small rural town in the mountains. I wonder "Where is the one good looking vet in Jasper?"   I must get that dog. Next I watched Funny Farm. Again, the insanity of living in a rural community and trying desperately to fit in.  Finding most locals were  boring and stupidly mean and really didn't care to help you fit in.  And of course, the dog.   Then I started Prince of Tides and decided, "Crap"!  I can not watch another movie highlighting the insanity and depravity that develops in individuals who are left too long by themselves in small rural community which primarily feature incest, insanity and inspires stupidity.  Instead I will go back to and try to find someone to talk to and who has a better selection of movies.  And get the dog and put my house on the market.