Tuesday, November 1, 2011

If you've ever walked through a storm of emotions then you know when you get through it, the world looks more beautiful and the air smells cleaner and fresher than ever before. The colors of the North Georgia Mountains are the vivid hues of goldens, oranges, browns and reds.  They are painted like drops of color across the mountains and are forming a canopy across the winding mountain roads in my neighborhood.  The sky of Autumn is more blue than the most precious day of summer and the gentle breeze whispers of  an early winter but that only heightens the anticipation of a new season, a new day. Today my world feels heavenly. Today I feel like I could write a novel, paint a masterpiece or catch the eye of a good man. Today I found out I am cancer free and, although sore as can be, I will be fine soon. While so many others are not getting good news and many are in fact in pain and are suffering, today I am healthy and blessed way beyond my expectations.  I am so thankful that I don't get what I deserve.  That every day of my life I live knowing who I am, who I love but more importantly, who loves me.   That instead  of being an old witch on Halloween I was just me.  Me,  growing old with Grace.  Marvelous Grace.  Thank you all for your hopes and prayers and for reading my blog. 

1 comment:

  1. Becky, you definitely have a gift for writing! The evidence of God's existence and His love for us are all around us every day! Unfortunately, so many choose to ignore Him--how that must break His heart!

    Becky, your outer beauty is enhanced by the inner beauty of Christ as He shines through you! Rejoicing with you for the grace and mercy He shows us each day and especially for this answer to our prayers!!

    Love & blessings from one who also hopes to be growing old with grace,
    Carol Cardwell (Zeph. 3:17)
