Friday, April 22, 2011

Easter Greetings

This week a very polite and not bad looking young man asked me out. He is at least l5 years younger than I which should be a turn on, but instead I stuttered and stammered around and said no. I still am not sure why.  I think I told him the truth, that I wasn't ready to date but when I said it, it surprised even me.  It has been 2 years now since my divorce and even though I know it is stupid, I am not over my ex. Or over the shock and hurt of what has happened.  It truly isn't that I think he's coming back, or that I think he should.  No one could read my story and determine that we were meant for each other.  Its just that when I think about loving someone, its always him.  What is it within the human mind, the human spirit that causes us to love?  There was a story on Fox News the other day about a missing girl and the cameras showed her family out looking for her.  It isn't surprising that we would walk all over the world to find the one we love.  But what is surprising is how many people who didn't even know the missing girl were also looking for her.  And many of them were moved to tears thinking that it could have been someone they loved.  They looked for one they didn't know, feeling the pain as if it were their own child, sister, neighbor, friend.  This week I am thinking of several people in my life that I feel are missing. They aren't really lost, but there is a place in my life, in my heart, at my dinner table, where they have been and now there is an empty spot that only they could fill.  I wish I could form a search party and round them up and bring them home.  I wish that they were here to eat the Easter ham, hide the eggs and sample the chocolate bunnies.  I would gladly give them one of my peeps. Nothing takes the place of our loved ones during the holidays, not even a young man who has watched too much TV and believes in the cougar phenomenon.  If he only truly knew what he is missing.  Happy Easter to all of you and hold tight to the ones you love.

1 comment:

  1. I certainly know the feeling of those missing at the dinner table. My heart hurts.
