Friday, April 29, 2011

Getting Back on the Bike

Like a million other women, today I watched "the kiss" and thought how every woman deserves a prince.  I know guys think that is a hard act to follow, but for most women it is a given. You just do one thing a week especially for her.  Doesn't matter what it is.  One thing.  Vacuum, load of clothes, flowers, foreplay. Doesn't matter.  While one single tear ran down my cheek,  I came to the following conclusion: since my ex has decided he is mentally ill, I have decided I must be too not to be trying to get over him.  In an effort to move on with my life, I am once again going to try to "date".  Everyone says its just like riding a bike and I just have to get back on and try again. But, I know people who have died riding bikes.  One of the guys at the gym just got hit by a car this weekend and is in the hospital.  Since letting my membership go I can not tell you how many offers I receive to renew my subscription. They are now offering me 4 months for the price of 1.  Last month they were only offering 2 months.  I figure that at this rate all I have to do is wait and they will be giving me a year free in no time.  And at the rate my dating life has been going I could probably get a date in a year so that might work out OK.  While analyzing the Internet thing again I have gone on line to learn where to meet men.  Several sites suggest Home Depot but another suggested that better looking men hang in Lowe's.  We don't have a Lowe's but I am contemplating a day trip to see if that is true.  All the sites suggest you stand in the plumbing department and look cute and like you haven't got a clue. The later sounds easy.  I am getting out the self tanner this week in preparation for the cute part. Also suggested was standing around in book stores, casually passing through gardening, sports and home improvement sections. Stay out of self help and relationship isles.  I thought that was a good suggestion because I definitely would prefer a man who can read.  If I notice a good looking one moving his lips as he does it, I will turn and go the other way.  I think.  Also stay out of the romance department. The grocery store on Saturday night was listed. Starbucks made the list, anytime, day or night.  I can't have caffeine after lunch so I am not too sure about that one. One story related how a woman in Atlanta met her husband on I-285.  It must have been a l00 years ago because now I think you'd get run over by an l8 wheeler even trying to look for a man. Of course, traffic court might be a consideration.  Even a good man can make a mistake. Funerals were really high on the list but you'd have to go to ones of people you didn't really like or I think you'd be too depressed to flirt.  I have already tried the class reunion thing and did not find that to be successful.  Good fun, but no date.  Too bad I can't go back to school.  There you have a collective audience.  It's so strange for me to think that I'm out there looking like this and some man's out there looking. You'd think we'd just run into each other, somewhere.   I hope its not on I-285 going 80.

1 comment:

  1. That is great!!! I agree about the Loew's. I have seen some cute ones but they are with their frumpy wives. However my former dentist's assistant went in Lowe's, asked a man for his opinion and now they are married. She had a pony tail and a baseball hat on.
