Monday, February 25, 2013

Sweet Home Alabama

Last night I learned that my ex husband who is estranged, and strange in many a way, has married his Russian Mail Order Bride; who has not yet seen 30.  He, I remind you, is 66 and has three stints in place.  At first, I must admit I was shocked yet somehow all the hoop-la and insanity once again validated my belief that everyone from Alabama is a character.  We are different beyond understanding and yet so totally real that sometimes it is almost scary for me.   I don't just say this from reading To Kill A Mockingbird or Sweet Home Alabama.  I am related, by marriage, you know to Harper Lee and Truman Compote.  I can trace my ancestors to the Lee's of Virginia and the slaughter in Chattanooga. My great grandfather cut off the limbs of Confederate troops and lost his way home in North Carolina.   I am of Scottish descendants who came to Alabama in a covered wagon.  I don't base this proposition or wildness/weirdness.  Its not based on Hank Williams songs or Crazy in Alabama movies or books.  I base this on the fact that I don't know anyone who was born in Alabama, grew up there,  who celebrated the South and the Confederacy who is not a nut .  It is not based on the fact that everyone I know back home still has something with a Confederate Flag somewhere, hidden or not.  I say this because all those same crazy ass people back there in Alabama, love their home.  They love the stupidity, the bullheadedness, the complete utter disregard for reality or even the fact that they live in a double wide.  They love Alabama/Auburn Football.  They love the Bear and Shug.   They love mosquitoes and palmettos bushes.   They love the South.  They drink sweet tea and Coke even if they are diabetic.  They love Sweet Home Alabama.  Yesterday in the mist of my come-apart a woman from Ohio walked into the little  store where I work in the North Georgia Mountains and said, "My gosh, you still have Confederate Flags on stuff".  I smiled at her in her complete utter ignorance and said "Yes, we do.  We still hope to God that we win".   She did not buy anything.  I did not care.  For I made a decision that I am going home.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What a creep your xhusbands. Marring a woman young enough to be his grand daughter . Where are you Grace keep waiting for an update and nothing. Hope your ok and all is looking up for you.
