Friday, February 17, 2012

Fighting the Deer Battle

Tonight I stood on a cold, windy corner in Jasper, Georgia, holding a sign that read "Don't Kill the Deer".  A few months ago, I read a book about some activist who took a stand in the 60s and paid dearly for their position.  I have often wondered if there were many issues on which I would willingly  take a stand . I find that when I think about it, there are many.  I believe I would die for my faith.  I know  I would die for my children, my grandchildren.  I would risk my life to save a friend.  I would take a stand for something I truly believed in, even if my position was not popular, or even likely to prevail.  But more and more, as I grow older, I realize that I will even take a position for something that I think is right, even just unfair, because more and more I realize, if not me, who then?  We live in a world where often just causes are not heralded.  Where over and over we see that right doesn't always prevail.  Where good doesn't trump evil.  But if we are to believe that humanity and all that it is and all that it means to be human, can not raise up against unkindness, ignorance,  and slaughter,  even if it is just of deer,  then what are we doing here, and why get up tomorrow.  This is not the fight of a lifetime, its not even the fight of this year because I know that this year will bring real difficulties to me and my family, but it is something that matters and its about standing up and making your voice heard, even if its just for deer.  So I stood up and I held my sign and I hope that everyone finds something that matters enough that when the time comes, you will hold up your sign. Lloyd Jones said "Those who try something and fail, are infinitely more successful than those who try nothing and succeed". 

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