Saturday, March 5, 2011

American Idols

I hate to admit stupidity, especially when its my own, but I must admit, I watch American Idol.  No, that's not true, I love American Idol.  I am an Idol Idiot. Since the first season, I have found myself glued to the TV watching every heartfelt moment, in breathless anticipation;  trying to figure out, who will be the next American Idol. Waiting to run to the kitchen or the bathroom, two nights a week, until a commercial, only to return sitting on the edge of my sofa.  Loving it.  I see myself 30, OK, 40 years ago with the dream of being a star. A star.  My children and any close friends, that I haven't lost due to this blog, know not to call until Idol is over.  I won't answer.  Everything goes to voicemail until cute "little" Ryan has signed off and I have taken the bathroom run I had been waiting for, patiently.  Listen, I understand now that I can record American Idol and watch it at my leisure, but that's not the same thing.  Anyway, you could accidentally watch AOL news, or Fox or turn on Ellen and have the entire event completely ruined for you.  I mean you know she'll put the one that got kicked off on her show. Where's the suspense?   Its always better to ruin it for yourself by watching live. Which brings me to my point.  Have you watched it this year?  Well, of course you have.  You can admit it in the privacy of your home, on line where no one can tattle on your obsession. But, here's what's bothering me.  Remember all the great singers, and not so great singers that have been on the Idol stage.  We've watch girls blossom and get their teeth capped and lose weight and we've seen guys clean up and become hip.   Its truly lived up to its billing, American Idol.  That's what we do.  That's the true beauty of the American spirit.  The American dream.  We take a second rate, sorta' but not really cute person, or singer as in this case, add tons of makeup, little nip and tuck here and there, a little reconstructive surgery (if necessary), good dentistry and a small fortune in clothes, shoes, jewelry and a good PR person and tons of backup singers, full orchestra, major mechanical enhancements, not to mention those other kind, and walla!!! A star is born.  Now, here we are in season 10 and all they are bringing for us to examine and critique is a bunch of talented, reasonably good looking singers.  No one is tacky beyond comprehension, everybody has good teeth. I mean they are flashing $8,000, what maybe $l0,000 smiles at us and dressed like real stars.  The girls are all dolled up and wearing designer everything.  The guys can sing.  They are mostly cute. This is absolutely the worst, best season ever. What's there to look forward to?  No one needs a nose job, implants, dental or otherwise, nothing. Not even talent.  I am completely bored.  Thank goodness for Steven Tyler and his mouth.

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