Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Who Said Sex and Politics Don't Mix, Nobody

Is it me, or do any of you seem to notice that you can't watch TV without hearing about some man cheating on his wife or doing something totally inappropriate to some poor woman? I mean I know this cheating thing has had a long shelf life.  I have no doubt cave men did it and it started pretty early on in the Bible and has continued steady since then, but it seems lately to be taking down someone almost every week. I don't know if Bill Clinton just made it so acceptable that men think its cool and they can get away with it. Or are men  just getting dumber and getting caught more often.  Really the truth be known, I think the Internet and 24 hr News TV have put so many predators out there watching every move we make that men who are doing something dirty are just gonna' get their butts caught. And there are plenty of women chasing a buck who will go after a buck stupid enough to chase them.  This week it was the Governator and the President of the IMF.  Now these men are not chipped beef.  They were well known and pretty highly respected men and now both are taking a big tumble. And not just into bed. One will probably go to jail, the other to divorce court. It has been amazing to watch Jennifer Aniston, lose Brad, and Sandra Bullock be cheated on by her husband with something that looked like it came out of a horror show. If those two can't keep their husbands at home, what chance does some lowly woman from Alabama stand.  Look what happened to poor Elizabeth Edwards. That South Carolina Governor, Mark Sanford's brave and intelligent wife, got the boot for a crazy foreigner who was married to someone else. A Senator a month falls and takes a Congressman with him. If I find out Governor Haley Barbour in Mississippi  and Mike Huckabee are cheating, I'm gonna' shoot myself. I would drop a Democrat's name here also but I can't think of one who talks about being moral.  I don't know what this world is coming to when beautiful and sexy women like Jennifer and Sandra have to have their private lives racked over the coals because of some floozy.  But more importantly, I am sick to my stomach hearing about what politicians are doing in their or another's bedroom.  I don't want to know where Arnold did it and with whom. I sure don't want the details of "how mistress got pregnant". Didn't we learn that in Jr. High? Kennedy cheated and we didn't have read every gorrie detail.  I prefer it that way.  I want to know what they intend to do about jobs, gas prices and taxes and the debt.  Please do not tell me anything else about the who, what and the where of their sex lives. I think they are scumbags but for now that's what we have elected and I just want them to get out of bed, get to work and fix our country.

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