Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The New Family Values

After spending a wonderful 4th I returned home to listen to the verdict in the Caylee Anthony murder trial.  I do not confess to know a lot about the trial.  I rarely watched the testimony but I did see much regarding the facts of the case over the three years that it has been in the headlines.  Like most folks, I expected that Casey Anthony would be found guilty of some form of negligence and blame for the death of her small child. I think all of us, including Casey and her parents were shocked that she walked.  Over and over during the last 24 hours I have heard others ask "why" and I have come up with my own answer to that question. Look at the selection of the jury.  I don't know those people but after reading short bios it appears none of them served in positions of authority. None of those I saw listed were CEOs (not like that makes them smart), none were actually bosses or decision makers on any higher level (accept in their own lives, I guess).  Most had minimal education and employment history. Good common sense is really not that common anymore. This jury was in a position of making an extremely difficult and painful decision.  Today's high profile trials demand months of commitment and most responsible and reasonable people find that almost impossible to handle.  We may want to serve knowing it would be our duty but our lives demand other things of us.  At one time in our country, people on juries believes that if the police arrested you and you were brought to trial, you probably did it. You were guilty.  Today, many people believe if the police said you did it, you surely didn't. We no longer respect nor believe in the people we have chosen to be in authority over us. We really don't have a lot of confidence in ourselves, our government, our God. Maybe that's too simplistic but I point to another article I read yesterday on AOL. The founder of EHarmony wrote a long article on the dismal future of marriage in this country.  He seemed to believe that  only shared values would save it from becoming almost extinct even those most want to experience it.  While that may be true; if the values the couple shares are not values of strong character, then the marriage is a disaster anyway. Two people who value lying, cheating, being a general jerk, are not probably going to have a wonderful and loving marriage.  Similar values only lead to a healthy loving relationship if the values are values of honesty, kindness, just general good character, strong commitment.  A friend of mine years ago used to say to his single friends "you won't find the right woman, until you are the right man". We as a society have lost our belief in our values and we float in the wind.  Its little shock to see that we do not believe in our police, our legal system, our politicians.  If you look at people and see where they spend their time and their money, you will know what they value. It won't be enough just to hear them say "I think I can do this or I think I can be a good person or make a good decision".  You have look at their lives and see what kind of decisions they have made in the past. We all make mistakes, if you have read my blog, you know mine. But many of us have a long history of making bad ones, of not living a life of value and strength. Its very difficult for people who have not had a life of being strong and bold to be that way when truly faced with the prospect. Its hard to wake up one day and be smart, confident and a person of character, just because you were asked to be, just because you got married or just because you were chosen for a jury.  So far, none of those jurors have come forward to speak of their decision.  None have felt confident enough in their decision  to want their names nor faces related to their decision. That may change when money comes into play. That does seem to be something most of us today value. I know I could use some.

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