Saturday, January 28, 2012

Turning 60

This week I will turn 60.  I can remember thinking that was really old.  I was right.  My wonderful children gave me a Kindle for my birthday, bird feeders and I gave myself a cruise.  I can't afford it but I did get a wonderful deal that I couldn't resist and I need to see the sun;   so I set sail tomorrow.  As to my age, I can't say that I am happy about being old, but I can say that I like my life, I love my friends and family and I have good health.  I was running out of my supplements today and went to the health food store to stock up before leaving on my trip.  I realized while standing in the checkout line that a class was being taught and two and a half hours later, I was still there.  The class was on homeopathic medication and kinesiology.  Much of it went over my head.  I do not understand biophysical connotations or quantum physics or the geothermic energy.  I do though  believe that we have all we need to be well and that the body wants to heal.  I believe that the body is designed to be healthy and much of what ails us is brought on by our environment and our mental state.   I don't understand why I experienced weakness when what I needed in certain formulas was applied to my body.  But I will use the suggestions and follow the protocol to see if it is effective.  If I feel better, it was effective.  I do understand immunity and had just this week seen a special concerning a new avenue of treatment for cancer by helping the immune system identify and fight mutant genes before they become cancer invaders which spread through our bodies.  I get acidic and alkaline.  In the meantime I will see the sun and walk on the beach and listen to the gulls and be glad that I am here to see my 60th year roll around.  When I return I will read up on the 200 year old science that concocted this medication and try to understand why a 200 year old medication is called a "breakthrough".  In the meantime, I am off to see the sun.

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