Monday, August 8, 2011

Dating for Dummies - Step Three

Dating Strategy Based on The AA Twelve Steps
Step Three:  Gave our Will Over to our God as we Knew Him
This was the easiest step of all.  After the fiasco of my first date and the subsequent conversations of my "wannabee" dates, I knew without a doubt I was not in any condition to make decisions for my life, let alone my dating.  It had been my decision to begin to "date" and now it was looking like I was once again going to decide "not to date".  I was so confused and exhausted just trying to keep up with the mess I was creating that it no longer was much fun. Making a "mell of  a hess", as my mother used to say, of dating. And I was no doubt causing some discomfort for the men whom I readily ignored. If I answered a flirt it was always some old man sitting on a worn out Barco-lounger in plaid fabric with his remote and his toy poodle.   If I sent a flirt it fell into the deep, dark pit of lost emails that were never to be seen again nor answered.  And so it was with great conviction than I accepted that my lot in life could be to remain alone, always "trying" to date, "trying" not to date, or God willing actually dating. Whichever, whatever, I was willing to accept that someone hopefully  knew better than I did what was best for me. My sister said she did and I should date. My friends definitely knew what was best and it was moving on, i.e. dating.  My conscious said I knew what was best for me and I shouldn't move in any direction with so much uncertainty.  I would wait and see what my God said, whom I thought knew me better than I knew myself.  If He thinks I am not too neurotic to date, then I date.  But He would have to do something though to let me know which way the wind was blowing.  Up to now I had felt I was either in a hurricane or in a sail boat in the middle of the ocean on a completely still day.  I needed guidance.  As if to answer my request, my Internet went out and won't be back on until I can stay home and let the cable guy in to check it out.  Maybe he's the answer to my prayers and a date is just a service call away.

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