Friday, August 5, 2011

Dating for Dummies - Step Two

Dating Strategy based on the 12 Step Program of Alcoholics Anonymous.
Step Two:  Came to believe that we needed a higher power to restore us to sanity.  If there is one thing that I can tell you its that you have got to be crazy to date.  This step is absolutely essential if you are going to try to date or if you just want to get up the next morning without losing your mind having had a date. If anything would push you on over the edge it would be trying to figure out how to date an old man. Now I admit I am an old woman but men are different when they are old.  They are fussy.  I had my first date this week.  It took 10 emails to get this guy to make a decision about where to go and when to go.  Then he picks 7:30.  I am in bed by 7:30.  I won't be able to get away from him until almost 9.  And Oprah insists you never eat after 7 PM.  What is he thinking?   Now I will have to drive home in the dark. Then he is late.  And the conversation.  He gripes about everything.  The weather.  Its too hot.  The man is from Florida.  Wouldn't you think he's been hot before? Then he talks about the debt deal.  I have indigestion just thinking about it. And he orders before me.  That is so on my list of things not to do. In his pictures he is though reasonably attractive for an old man but they must be of his younger, thinner and taller brother.  Do these men think you will be so enamored by their conversation you will forget you are talking to a munchkin?  I will say though he does manage to pick an extremely nice restaurant with a very good menu and excellent service.  Very friendly service. Since he went home with the waitress's number and not mine, at least it wasn't a complete washout,  for him.  The whole thing makes me feel completely crazy.  If ever I needed my sanity restored it is after a date.  "Waiter, I need a Xanx with that glass of wine."  It was almost 10 pm before I finally got away from this old man and hurried home to send a flirt to "2good2btrue" and ignore completely the kind message from "FaithfulasanOldDog".  I feel better already.  I am sure restoration of my sanity is just around the corner and I know that there's a man out there for me. Well, my computer is calling even if the right man is not.

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